Plan for a better future, by starting today.
As consumer debts rise, Canadians need more education on the options available to them.
We adhere to three key principles: transparency, leadership, and accountability.
We take pride in finding you a solution.
- Our Financial Wellness Program offers guidance towards a debt-free lifestyle, providing education and lifelong support for every client. We explore all available options, ensuring access to the necessary resources and partners to eliminate your debt.

Personalized solution
Everyone’s situation is different, which is why we structure your plan based on your unique financial history. Don’t let your past dictate your future. Let’s set your goals and help you get back on track with your credit standing.

how does it work?
We explore various debt relief options, including budgeting and credit counseling, to find the best path to financial wellness.
Our Financial Wellness Program offers a comprehensive financial education course to help clients stay debt-free. Note that consumer proposals can only be filed through a licensed insolvency trustee.
We provide support and guidance but are not licensed insolvency trustees. Our goal is to empower you to make informed financial decisions.
Let's work together
Many Canadians are unaware of their options, so we at Solution Group are committed to educating people and delivering effective results.
Establishing your total amount of debt is a great starting point, as it helps determine whether Prime Credit Solution is the right choice for you.
We take pride in finding you a solution.

We are here with you every step of the way.

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